This is my first blogging attempt. We'll see how it goes...
Today marks exactly 4 weeks until the due date of our baby boy. Craziness. I can't believe it's gone by this quickly. Are we really creating a family?!
Yesterday, Tom and I went to the doctor to start our once a week appointments until the due date. We have 2 doctors, 2 midwives, and a nurse and we met with the nurse yesterday. Now we've met everyone in the practice (Lakewood Ranch Women's Clinic) and one of them will be on call when we deliver.
The nurse reported that I'm measuring great and the baby weighs about 6 lbs. She thinks he'll get up to about 7 upon delivery. That sounds good to me-no bigger please! During the exam, I measured 1 cm dilated and 70% ephased. Tommy gave the nurse a nervous look and asked, "does that mean he'll come early?" The nurse explained that every woman is different and I could remain those measurements for a couple weeks or grow quickly- she never can tell.
So we'll see! Feel free to guess the arrival date-late or early? It was so exciting to hear her say that she could feel his head. I'm feeling pretty good. He's moving around A LOT and I think I'm getting used to the Braxton Hicks (practice) contractions that are going on inside. Nothing regular yet...