Monday, January 24, 2011

19 months already!

Will turned 19 months on the 11th and I can't believe how big he has gotten so quickly. The pictures below show off my growing, crazy, unique and absolutely perfect boy.

On that note, as of this month, Will has officially changed to a big boy bed! Well, we took the railing off his crib so now it's more like a day bed. We are amazed on how well he has done with it and even though he has the occasional "playtime" when he should be napping, the transition has gone smoothly.

His biggest trend lately is "no-no." So far, it's not a bad thing, as he knows how to answer yes or no questions and it's super cute. He is entering a little bit of the "testing phase" and telling mommy "no-no" sometimes, but we're trying to nip that one in the bud.

As you can see below, Will partook in the Gasparilla kids parade this past weekend. He was a crazy man and loved the outdoors, beads, people, music, and of course CARS. He was mesmorized by the multiple types of cars, trucks, busses and other vehicles. He is definitely a boys boy. We can definitely say that cars are one of his joys in life. He can correctly identify a car according to a family member. For example, if he sees a Lexus SUV, he immediately points and says "MiMi," to signify that she drives that car. He does it with everyone he knows and quicker than I can even notice the car!

So blessed as always...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Another big accomplishment for Mommy

Over the past 2 years, there aren't any events that can surpass the birth of Will. However, this past weekend, mommy ran 13.1 miles completing the Disney Half marathon! Will and Dada were there to cheer her on, and it couldn't have been done without the encouragement of family.
Some more milestones this weekend. Will said his first "two- word" combination today. And big surprise, it was about cars: "yellow jeep." Ha. We don't even know how he knew what a jeep was! Will is continuing to make the whole family laugh, by flirting with girls and dancing whenever the music (or silence) moves him.
Oh! And another big milestone, last Thursday William told mommy that he had to go potty, and "did his business" on the big potty. Since then, he has gone at least twice a day by telling someone he has to go then walking to the bathroom. We are constantly amazed by our little man.

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Week 1

3 days into 2011-crazy. Tom and I were discussing how weird it is to think that Will has already been apart of 3 different years (09, 10, 11). It doesn't seem possible.

New Years Weekend was very relaxing. Tom and I took a nap on NYE in order to make it to the ball drop, and Will continued to play with all of his new Christmas toys.

A couple of my favorite things Will has done in the last few days...

  • Flirts with girls. Not just a little flirt, but says "woo-woo" to EVERY girl he sees, gets shy, and turns his head. Oh and not to mention his obsession with mommy's Victoria Secret catalog. Surprisingly not encouraged by Dada!

  • 2 new words are "big and little." He actually compares items and tells us which one is bigger.

  • More colors...the only one he doesn't know now is orange! And yes, that's a tough one.

This weekend we will be making our 5th? trip to Disney since Will has been born, but I don't think we will go to any parks. Mommy and aunt Kissa are doing the Disney Half Marathon (for some reason)!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I can't believe 2010 ends this week and we will welcome 2011 on Saturday. Where has the time gone?! We had an amazing Christmas celebration this year.

Our celebrations began early December when we went to Disney World with Mimi, Teddy (Kriby), Grandma, Grandpa (LaForge), Aunts Kissa and Kasey to celebrate birthdays and go to Mickey's Christmas Party. William hit a milestone that weekend by not crying when he saw the characters! He couldn't get enough.
We continued our festivities on December 17th when Tommy's 2 weeks of vacation from work started. It's been so nice to have "dada" home! We went to an Orlando Magic Game, and took part in some local holiday festivals.

Christmas Eve was celebrated with the Schneider family, while Christmas Day and the day after was celebrated with the LaForges and the Kribys. Mama, Dada, and Will spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with Eddie at our new home in Lakewood Ranch. Will was spoiled with many gifts including 3 tricycles, a fish tank, a basketball net, an easel, Thomas trains, books, Cars figurines, and so much more!
We are so proud of Will this month and every month. In the past 3 months, he has exceled so much with his vocabulary. Will is able to name all of his family members, and repeats almost anything he hears. He has impressed us with his new skill of naming colors including "blue (boo), yellow (lo-lo), Pu-ple, black, brown, and rrrrrr (red). Mama and Dada love cuddle time in the morning with William as he can now climb out of his bed and runs right into our room to wake us up. Will has been going on the potty for a couple months, but nothing REAL consistent. He loves to get "Ma-mmms" when he goes (m&ms).
Again, I hope to keep up the blog better this year and will post more pictures soon.
Happy New Year!

2010 Wrap Up!

I can't believe that I've neglected this blog for so long! However, it is my 2011 goal to keep up with it more. In summary...

2010 has been a wonderful and blessed year. We cannot believe how much our lives have changed over the past year, but definitely for the good! Tom is enjoying his job at Universal and was promoted to Senior Analyst earlier in the year. We recently purchased our first home and Tom is enjoying being a home owner and finding new projects to do around the house.Jessica is incredibly fortunate to have been able to be a “stay at home mommy” for the past year and a half. This fall, she completed her first semester of school at USF to gain a Masters of Arts in Teaching.

Which brings us to Will- he is amazing! He started walking very early at around 9 ½ months in March, and has been “on the go” ever since. He turned one in June, and took two plane rides to visit friends in North Carolina in July, and Minnesota in the fall. Will’s first words were “Mama and Dada” (thankfully), soon followed by “car!” Over the past month, his vocabulary has grown tremendously with his favorite words being “moon, yellow, bus”, and his family members’ names.
We are constantly impressed with how inquisitive Will is, wanting to figure everything out. He loves playing with trains and cars, and doing anything outside. Will has become very sociable and loving, saying “hi” to everyone he passes and telling his favorite people “I love you.”
And Eddie? He is the best “big brother” to Will. He even puts up with Will pulling his ears, mouth, and using him as a step stool.We hope that you and your family have had a wonderful year and wish you an even better 2011. Thank you for keeping up with us!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Yes-we dressed up both boys. Will was a hot dog and Ed was the mustard. Since it was a "cool" 90 degrees here at the end of October, Will's costume didn't stay on for long because it was pretty warm. However, he was a good sport and went along with the festivities! We went to a family festival, carved a pumpkin, and "trick or treated" around our complex.

Will had his 4 month appointment and shots earlier this month. He was a healthy 17 pounds and 26 inches long. Doctor said he looks great and he can start "solid foods." So far, he's only ventured into baby cereal, but he's getting the hang of it.

He's amazing. I can't say it enough. He is rolling over constantly and has almost mastered sitting by himself. He's slowly growing more hair, but hasn't popped out any teeth yet. It seems like it should be any day now though with the way he is teething.

Thanks for staying updated!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October is here!

October is here, but where is the fall weather?? There is snow in Minnesota now, right? Sorry to say I don't miss it! We do miss everyone in the midwest though, and thank you for keeping up with our blog. Sorry it's been a little while since I've updated. I posted 2 new slideshows to the right. Let's see, where to begin...

September started Gator football season, and that is the ONLY time William is allowed to watch TV (by watch I mean for about 2 minutes at a time). He loves watching football though!
On October 5th, I started nannying for another infant in our complex. Her name is Sophia and she is almost 7 months old. Yes-2 babies is A LOT to handle, but it's worth it because I get to be with William all day. It's really neat to watch them observe each other and "play together."

On Will's 4 month birthday, he rolled over from his back to his belly and he's been doing it non-stop all week. He can do it on both sides, but can't yet figure out how to go from tummy to back. He has been "talking" up a storm, especially to Dad.

This past weekend, Mimi and Teddy (Kriby) took us to Disney World to celebrate my birthday. William met Mickey, Pluto, and many other characters at a special breakfast and at Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. His favorite was "Mary Poppins!" Of course, ironically it was one of the hottest weekends in a long time, but we kept him inside a lot and he was so good. I couldn't ask for a better, more content and happy baby!

We think he might be teething because he's been waking up in the middle of the night screaming (not normal for him), drools a lot, puts everything in his mouth, etc. He's growing up so fast!!